The day the earth stood still

If you read part one of my travel story you are wondering if I managed to get the PCR test 24h before boarding the SAS airplane. Yes, I did, hence I prepared for the big day. On my way to the airport, I was skeptical because normally the streets are crowded during that time on a workday. However, the streets were almost empty and when I arrived at the airport it hit me. I have to say this even though it has nothing to do with my story: “I am so sad and sorry for all you good people that are affected by this situation. Some of you just lost everything or had to close a wonderful service. For some of you, it has been a lifelong struggle to operate a business, and sometimes it’s a business that has existed over generations. The same goes for all you wonderful people out there that just lost your job or have to work part-time. I wish that you can deal with the situation and are able to find a way to happiness!”. Believe it or not the airport in Zürich was almost empty! I sat there for over an hour because I thought it would take much more time to get to the airport. Finally, the check-in counter opened and the nice lady asked me for my passport and PCR test. because no one was in line I asked the check-in lady if she knew how hard it was to get the test done within 24h. She said she knew and pointed out: “Be grateful that you do not have to fly to Amsterdam”. I thought perhaps because of the riots that are going on but then she told me that you need a PCR test that was taken max. 4 hours before departure. I said that this is not possible and the only reason for someone to decide such a rule is to stop people from traveling.

I went to my gate, I never had to show the PCR test again. not at the gate, not in Copenhagen, and definitely not in Iceland. I even contacted the Icelandic authorities and pointed out that all people had to have a PCR test prior to arriving, I asked if we could shorten the quarantine. The answer is straight forward: No! Iceland does not acknowledge foreign PCR tests. They only accept certain antigen tests and proof of vaccination (see

Do you wish to see how the airport in Zürich looked? Or the one in Copenhagen? Please watch the short video for some impressions. 


What’s up next

In my next episode, I will explain the current situation in Iceland and “what you need to do and what not” to go there. I will also explain where you can spend your days in quarantine and what you are allowed to do during the time. Once I escape from quarantine I will show you around! this is going to sound a bit selfish but I hope I find the empty Iceland that I saw last year. 

Keep it real and hope to interest you in more of my travel news..

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